
Collateral Repair Project


Director of Grants and Communications


Project Overview

  • During my time at CRP, grants made up approximately 40% of our budget. Securing new grants to expand programming and to keep current programs going was highly important.

    I worked on all stages of grants, from start to finish.


Problem Statement

CRP needed to rapidly expand because larger organizations in Jordan were seeing decreases in international aid, and more and more refugees were turning to CRP.

Securing grants was a sustainable way to run programs, from food assistance, to back-to-school help, to educational classes, to kids’ programming.



I set my team of interns to finding grant opportunities and writing research reports on them. Alternatively, someone, such as a board member, would send an opportunity our way and then intern would write the report.

I then discussed promising opportunities with CRP’s Executive Director, who set priorities for the grants. I tasked the interns with a first draft, as well as coordinating with staff across all departments to research practical budgets. I edited several drafts before sending a draft to our ED for approval. We then incorporated her edits and I gave the last draft a final, thorough line edit for consistency, typos, and messaging.





During the two years I worked at CRP, I secured more than a dozen grants, including two grants in the six-figure range. This helped to greatly expand CRP’s overall budget and ability to provide more assistance to struggling refugees.